Sunday, January 24, 2010

Flying the not-so-vegetarian-skies

Jan 24

On the flight from Honolulu to Tokyo

We have exit row seats! Happy long legs! How’d we get these precious commodities on a 9 hour flight, you ask? Kat and I checked into our flight last night (we were at the airport helping Mom get on her flight). However, we are located next to the bathrooms. But they don’t smell too bad—yet. At least not worse than dinner. Which was either “chicken” or “beef.” You don’t ask how these 2 meats are prepared—because, does it really matter? We’re on an airplane for goodness sake. Perhaps my inclination to avoid beef at all costs always leads me to now say “chicken” when flying. No, I know I’m not back in Bangladesh yet. And 2 weeks of a burger almost every day would almost predict my cow-oriented response. Alas, my habit of avoiding tasteless Bangladeshi beef has resumed on this flight.

The chicken had some goopy stuff on it. It didn’t really taste like chicken at all. So why don’t they just serve tofu? I mean, really—it’s healthier, tastier, and possibly cheaper. Certainly less likely to cause e-coli. But I think we know why tofu isn’t an option—imagine all the Americans rioting at 30,000 feet!


  1. The best airline food I've had recently was on India's Kingfisher Air. Loved their idli, chickpea masala, and other goodies.

  2. hahaah oh how i wish there was tofu! next time request a meal - the vegetarian dishes are much better anyway (and less stinky) - usually italien or asian inspiried. though sometimes eating 4 stirfrys on 14 hrs will drive you crazy. - jessica
